Data penduduk riau
Data penduduk riau

data penduduk riau

The research was conducted in four coastal sub-districts in the Regency of Rokan Hilir, Riau Province and data collection was carried out in an eight-month period, from July 2008 to February 2009. The study was conducted by applying Structural Equation Model (SEM) method which considers some external and internal factors in fishery business, activities in fishery industry, capture fishery activities, aquaculture activities, fish processing activities, central government, regional government, and fishermen welfare factors. This research was carried out to develop a welfare improvement model for fishermen based on both internal and external factors affecting the fishery sector in Regency of Rokan Hilir. From research on migration numbers coming to Riau both lifetime migration and migration risen expected to increase economic growth and development in the province of Riau.Fishery sector has not significantly given a denotable economic contribution in improving fishermen’s welfare, as shown by fishermen’s poverty headcount index (PHI) of 0.32 which falls in “poor” category. Migration destination Riau largest North Sumatra and West Sumatra with the primary motivation for continuing education.

data penduduk riau

For the life of migrant origin and migrants biggest risen from West Sumatra and North Sumatra with the economic motive for work and looking for work.

data penduduk riau

For 2010 migration for lifetime migration is equal 1,910,737 people, and migration of 315,687 people, while migration risen to enter in the amount of 293 548 people and kelaur migration of 127,204. Further to the 2005 migration to migration lifetime that is equal to 1,335,873 people and the out-migration of 208,049 people, the next to enter the migration risen by 213,867 people and the out-migration of 115,073 people. The results show that, the amount of in-migration to migrate a lifetime that is equal to 1,534,849 people, while for the out-migration of 164,358 people, next to migration risen by 526,711 people, while for the out-migration of 91,280 people in 2000. By collecting data results from the 2000 population census, Supas 20 population censuses were analyzed using cross tabulation analysis subsequent authors conducted a study to strengthen the research literature. This study uses secondary data obtained from the offices or agencies associated with this research that the Central Bureau of Statistics Riau Province. The purpose of this study was to determine the volume and direction of migration in Riau province, as well as to know the origin and destination of migrants, the motivation of migrants and migrant risen life.

data penduduk riau

The research was conducted in the province of Riau.

Data penduduk riau